Monday, 30 October 2017

Easy Eggless Whole Wheat Chocolate Cake Recipe | chocolate truffle cake | चॉकलेट केक बनाने की विधि

Chocolate Truffle Cake

 Ingredients :

For cake :-

 Atta – 1+1/2 cups (or you can use maida)
Corn flour – 3 tbs
Cocoa powder – ¼ cup
Baking soda -1 tsp
Salt – ½ tsp
Water  - 1 cup
Sugar  - 1 cup
Vegetable oil – 1/3cup
Lemon juice – 1 tbs
Vanilla essence - 1 tsp
For icing :-
Dark compound chocolate grated – 4 cups
Fresh cream – 2 cups
Unsalted butter – 1 tbs


 Step 1 :  Baking

 i)  Preparation of dry ingredients

·         Remove 3 tablespoons of flour from 1+1/2 cups of flour *
·         Add in corn flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and salt.
·         Sift them 3 – 4 times  and keep aside

ii) Preparation of wet ingredients

·         Into a bowl pour 1 cup of water
·         Add in vegetable oil, sugar, lemon juice and vanilla essence
·         Stir well till combined

iii) Addition of dry ingredients into wet ingredients

·         Add in the sifted flour mix into the wet mixture slowly
·         Mix them gently so that no lumps are formed

iv) Baking

·         Pour the cake batter into a prepared cake tin (9 inch)*
·         Bake at 1800 C for 30 minutes in a preheated oven
·         Check the doneness by inserting a skewer at the center of the cake
·         If it came out clean the cake is baked completely
·         Keep it in the cake tin for 10 minutes
·         Then transfer into a wire rack and allow to cool completely

Step 2 : Icing

i) Preparation of Ganache
  • ·       Pour 2 cups of fresh cream into a sauce pan
  • ·         Add in 1 tablespoon of butter
  • ·         Bring just to a boil in low flame y stirring continuously
  • ·         Switch off the flame and pour it over the grated chocolate*
  • ·         Set aside for 2-3 minutes so that the chocolate get melted
  • ·         Then mix gently with a wooden spoon
  • ·         Keep it in room temperature till it get thickened (minimum 3 hours)
ii) Assembling the cake

  • ·         Split the cake into two layers
  • ·         brush some sugar syrup on the first layer
  • ·         spread the thick ganache over it
  • ·         then place the second layer on top
  • ·         brush sugar syrup and then spread ganache till it coated completely
  • ·         place it in the refrigerator for 10 minutes
  • ·         again  take it out and spread the ganache all over it
  • ·         place it in the refrigerator for 10 minutes
  • ·         heat up the ganache in double boiler or microwave it till  become thin
  • ·         take out the cake from refrigerator
  • ·         pour the ganache over it
  • ·         do some decoration according to your imagination
  • ·         lovely chocolate truffle cake is ready to serve


  1. -         I used atta for this cake
  2. -         Corn flour is used to make the cake light
  3. -          For preparing the cake tin grease it with butter or oil ;then line it with utter paper
  4. -         Grate the chocolate finely so that it get melted nicely

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